Canvas Printing/Sizing
For a full specification, please refer to our Prints on Canvas set up guide in the Download tab of our Prints on Canvas product page, or download/view here.
Some General Advice & Tips
Careful choice of picture is essential to get the best out of your print on canvas. Here are some guidelines:
- Cropping/shape: Take into account the 'shape' of the picture when selecting your canvas size. If the picture doesn't fit the shape, our artwork team will need to crop the image - if this is the case, you can always let us know how you would like the image cropping.
- Wrap-round: Bear in mind that part of your picture will disappear as part of the wrap around the edges of the canvas frame. You therefore need to ensure that there is plenty of 'spare' image area around the subject.
- Impact: Always choose an image with impact, preferably with a focal point of interest which is in the foreground. Remember that a canvas is designed to view at a certain distance and will therefore need part of the subject to catch the eye.
- Sharpness: Because your image is going to be enlarged, in some instances to as much as 1,000% the original picture needs to be as sharp as possible. Any elements even slightly out of focus will be exaggerated when blown up.
- Detail: Avoid fine detail - distant objects will go unnoticed and do not create interest.
- Resolution: However good you may think your image is, if you are supplying this digitally it must have a resolution of at least 300dpi at 25% of the required finished size to reproduce to an acceptable quality.
- Supplying Prints: Providing they are sharp, we can scan photographic prints and enlarge for printing on canvas.
Remember - you can always pick up the phone. Our sales team and designers will be only too pleased to assist.